Mission Accomplished! (Part 2 of 7)

          In our previous posting we learned that mission is Theo-centric or we could say God-centered rather than man-centered.  Continuing in this line of thought we would more specifically define that mission happens in the person of Jesus Christ.  Mission is not only to be thought of as God-centered but also Christ-centered.  Mission is what God has done by sending Jesus to restore mankind to Himself.  Just think about this for a moment, the person and work of Christ is the testimony of God in mission towards us.  The mission began back in Genesis 3:15 (i.e. sometimes called the pro-evangelium or the first gospel) and continued all through the Old Testament scriptures until the arrival of Jesus in the manger some 2000 years ago.  This drive of mission is also heard in the words of Jesus in Mark 10:45 when he said, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many."  The mission of God was fulfilled and completed in Jesus Christ in the climax of the cross.  Mission accomplished… It is Finished!
          Understanding mission(s) in a Christo-centric way then sets us up to properly learn about evangelism.  As we will see in part 3 tomorrow, evangelism is simply announcing to our neighbor the good news that the mission has already been accomplished.  
          Simple, isn't it?  
