
Showing posts from March, 2012

Good Works Do Not Save You; It Is That Simple (Law & Gospel In Laymen's Terms)

The Christocentric Nature Of The Bible

Why The Phrase "Just Pray About That!" Is Bad Advice To Struggling Individuals (Law & Gospel In Laymen's Terms)

A Mother's Journey From Being A Baptist To Lutheranism

Did Jesus Die For Correct Theology? Very Funny

PM Notes: Top 10 Essential Books

Teaser for Episode IV On The Great Exchange

Law To The Proud; Grace To The Humble (Law & Gospel In Laymen's Terms)

Why Don't You Just Throw Rocks At Your Parishioners!

I’m All Revved Up About Coffee

How Do You Diagnos If A Sermon Is A "Christian" Sermon?

Is Your Refractory Ass Kicking Up His Heals? Understanding The War Between The Old And New Nature

Marriage Is War And Peace

What Would Things Look Like If Satan Took Over Sidney, Montana?

Book Review: Simple Church (Rainer & Geiger)

Jesus Is Glorified Because He Is Able (Mark 10:35-45)

Kimchi Doesn't Put Extra Hair On Your Chest And How To Share The Gospel

The Cart Cannot Come Before The Horse And The Gospel Shall Not Come Before The Law (Law & Gospel In Laymen's Terms)

What If Starbucks Marketed Like A Church?

A Brief Teaching On The Lord's Supper

Book Review: The Tangible Kingdom

Soteriology: Word Of The Week

The Case For Lent: Our Sin Finds Its Home Not On Us But In The Cross

Christ Came Down To Be Lifted Up (John 3:14-21)

Make A Joyful Noise? I Can't Stop Laughing!

The Gospel of Mark: A Lutheran Gospel (Part 8 of 8)

Examining Law & Gospel And Luther’s 1518 Heidelberg Disputation (Part 6 of 6)

The Quote Attributed To St. Francis Of Assisi Is Wrong! Why The Great Commission and The Great Commandment Are Not The Same

The Gospel of Mark: A Lutheran Gospel (Part 6 of 8)

Monsters Among Us... Ethicists Advocate For After-Birth Abortions

The Gospel of Mark: A Lutheran Gospel (Part 5 of 8)

You Are A Jerk And Not Very Loving, Therefore Everything You Say Is Obviously False!

The Gospel of Mark: A Lutheran Gospel (Part 4 of 8)