
Showing posts from December, 2012

And Father, I Ask Thee Now For A Good Text To Accompany This Fantastic Joke (A Good Laugh)

Exposing 10 Myths Of The Church Growth Movement

Let Us Recapture The Explosion Again!

John Calvin: Word/Person of the Week

John Wesley: Word/Person of the Week

Receive Christ, God's Christmas Gift To You

Christmas Is For Sinners!

Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus

Rejoice and Fear Not

The Case For Infant Baptism: Children Don't Need Baptism Because They Are Innocent?

The Case For Infant Baptism: Children Can't Repent And Believe, Therefore Baptism Should Be Delayed?

The Case For Infant Baptism: Jesus Did Not Baptize Babies?

The Case For Infant Baptism: The Bible Does Not Say That We Should Baptize Babies?

The Case For Infant Baptism: Church History Shows Us That Baptism Is A Human Ordinance?

Gentlemen, This Is A Perfect Christmas Gift For Your Bride! (Enjoy The Laugh)

A Prayer In The Midst Of The Connecticut School Massacre

The Case For Infant Baptism

Book Review: Pastor: The Theology and Practice of Ordained Ministry (Willimon)

Jacobus Arminius: Word/Person of the Week

Making The Transition: Epistemological Transitions And Resolution

Suffering, Affliction, and Christ’s Body … He Is Coming Soon

Ecclesiastical Fashion Through The Ages (Enjoy The Laugh)

Check Out All The Book Reviews!

The Need To Neutralize Tension Through An Epistemological Defense