The Case For Infant Baptism: Jesus Did Not Baptize Babies?
Not only is it true that the Scriptures say nothing about the baptism of children; but there are, on the contrary, passages which show clearly that children should not be baptized, it is maintained. Jesus did not baptize the little children, which the mothers brought to Him. He did however, take them in His arms and lay His hands upon them and bless them (Mark 10:13-16).
The reason that Jesus did not baptize the little ones, but merely took them in His arms and blessed them, is exceedingly simple. It was because He had not as yet instituted Christian Baptism in the name of the triune God. Therefore He did not baptize adults, either, who came to Him.
Source: O. Hallesby, Infant Baptism and Adult Conversion (The Messenger Press, 1924), 16-22.
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