
Showing posts from June, 2017

Lightning Cut: New Law Jesus

So, What's Your Excuse For Not Going To Church?

Lightning Cut: Leaving Jesus Behind?

Faith’n'Family: Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?

Issues, Etc.: The False Christs of the 21st Century

Squirming With Our Riches In Hand

Of Means And Methods

An Extremely Helpful Chart For Reading "Will The Real Jesus Please Stand Up? 12 False Christs"

Lightning Cut: Social Justice Jesus

Once For All: Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up? Part 2

Lightning Cut: 'Murica Jesus | #RealJesusStandUp

Gwinner Minister Pens Book On False Identities Of Christ

Fighting for the Faith: Interview of Matt Richard about his new book, “Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?”

When Truth Is No Longer Objective