The Case For Infant Baptism: Children Can't Repent And Believe, Therefore Baptism Should Be Delayed?
The Scriptures name requirements for Baptism “Repent ye, and be baptized every one of your” says Peter (Acts 2:38). “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved,” says Mark 16:6. But little children cannot fulfill these conditions. For that reason the baptism of children should be delayed until they grow old enough to repent and believe.
There is only this little hitch in this… the plain words of Jesus are diametrically opposed to it. The ordinance of Jesus has been turned upside down completely. He says that we adults must repent and become as little children in order to enter into the Kingdom of God (Matthew 18:3). Furthermore, He even says that whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child, shall in no wise enter therein (Mark 10:15). It has become clear to us that Jesus looks upon children, not only as being capable of receiving the gift of the Kingdom of God, but so receptive, even, that they are examples of receptivity for us adults.
Source: O. Hallesby, Infant Baptism and Adult Conversion (The Messenger Press, 1924), 16-22.
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