The Case For Infant Baptism: Children Don't Need Baptism Because They Are Innocent?
Neither do children need Baptism in that age, some say. They have not as yet committed any sins and they are still so sweet and innocent. Furthermore, Jesus says Himself that the Kingdom of God belongs to them (Mark 10:14).
Jesus in Mark 10:14 says that the Kingdom of God belongs to them; not that the little ones belong to the Kingdom of God. Jesus with these words never did want to say that children by virtue of their natural birth belong to the Kingdom of God. Everyone should know who has read Jesus’ words to Nicodemus: “That which is born of the flesh is flesh” (John 3:6). Therefore every individual, also little children, must be born anew in order to enter into the Kingdom of God. We find the same thought also in Paul’s writings (Eph. 2:3). Our condition at birth is such that we are subject to the wrath of God, which rests upon our whole fallen race.
Source: O. Hallesby, Infant Baptism and Adult Conversion (The Messenger Press, 1924), 16-22.
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