It Is Simply Sharing & Telling (Part 3 of 7)
As we shift to evangelism we see that evangelism is[3]:
- NOT manipulation
- NOT the presentation of legal or moral demands
- NOT a legalistic response to law
- NOT the fulfillment of self
- NOT restricted exclusively to the pastoral office
- NOT a mechanical method
- NOT a slick sales technique
Rather evangelism is:
”Sharing the Gospel with those who do not yet confess Jesus Christ is Lord, to the end that they might enjoy all the benefits of our Lord Jesus Christ.[4]”
“Telling the good news of Jesus Christ, His life, death and resurrection to an unbeliever in an organized and intentional way so as to properly distinguish Law and Gospel with an understanding that it is through such means that God is able to work conversion.[5]”
In order to deliver the benefits of this accomplished mission God has established the church, the body of believer. To the church God has given what is called the means of grace[1]. Through the Word and the Sacraments the work of Christ is subjectively applied to mankind. Simply put, this happens: 1) as the pastor publicly preaches the Word (i.e. Law and Gospel) and administers the Sacraments of baptism and communion; 2) as individual saints minister through their vocation, service to neighbor, participate in worship, use their service gifts, etc… 3) But it is especially through witnessing and evangelism that God involves His saints in carrying out His mission.[2]
[1] Means of Grace = the way that God delivers the knowledge and benefit of Christ’s redemption from sin to the human race. This is namely the proclaimed Word and Sacraments. (Paraphrased from the CLBA Statement of Faith)
[2] Taken from Unit 2 of DM-954 Class titled, “Strategies for Evangelism & Assimilation.” Dr. Luke Biggs (Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri), January of 2011.
[3] Taken from Unit 3 of DM-954 Class titled, “Strategies for Evangelism & Assimilation.” Dr. Luke Biggs (Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri), January of 2011.
[4] The Board for Evangelism Services, LCMS.
[5] Taken from Unit 3 of DM-954 Class titled, “Strategies for Evangelism & Assimilation.” Dr. Luke Biggs (Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri), January of 2011