Bondage; Freedom... What Is Your Assumption?

I just started a book by Gerhard Forde titled, "The Captivation of the Will."  It is a book that covers the 16th century debate between Erasmus and Luther.  

In the introduction, on page 21, Forde states:
"If you begin with the assumption of freedom, the preoccupation is always how to keep freedom in check, how to bind; But if you begin with the assumption of bondage, the preoccupation is always how to set out the Word that frees."
What are the implications of each of these assumptions?  How do they affect the preaching of the Word?  How do they affect one's view of life?  How do they affect the reading of scripture?  How do they affect one's understanding of the person of Christ?

Feel free to post your responses below.  Hey, don't worry... you can post your responses with anonymity.

Also, keep in mind that on Monday we start our new series...

