Jesus Is Hunting & Looking For You!

Guest Blogger: Pastor Adam Berge

What gets you revved up?  This week I'm all revved up about 'deer hunting.'

Do you know anybody who has gone deer hunting this year?  Have you ever wondered why people go deer hunting?  I'm sure different people have different reasons: food, sport, or just the calm peaceful feeling of walking around in the woods with a gun.  Many different reasons, but they all have one thing in common: they left their home and are on a very specific mission.  

When a person hunts deer, they are totally focused on finding that deer.  This focus is seen in what they wear, how they walk, where they stand and even how they smell.

Deer hunters remind me of Jesus.  Don't worry, Jesus isn't out to kill you, but He is looking for you.  Jesus left His home in heaven and was born as a baby in Bethlehem for a very specific mission.  Throughout His whole life Jesus had one mission on His mind.  Nobody could deter Him from that Focus.  You could see His focus in what Jesus did, said and even where He walked.  The last part of His walk involved carrying a cross to His own painful death.

Unlike deer hunters, His mission was not to find and kill, but to die so that we may be found.  His mission was to take away everything that was keeping us from God, even our sin.  On the cross He cried out, "It is Finished!"  His mission is complete, your sins are forgiven!  Jesus' mission was for YOU.  Believe that God loves you, that Jesus came for you, and that He died for you.  Mission accomplished.

Check out some of Pastor Adam's sermons by CLICKING HERE.
