The Highest Art For A Christian In The School Of Experience (Law & Gospel In Laymen's Terms)

Thesis III of Walther's Law and Gospel in Laymen's Terms:

The highest art for the Christian is being able to tell the difference between and how to apply God's word of demand (i.e. Law) and God's word of promise (i.e. Gospel).

Understanding the differences between God's demanding words and God's words of promise is easy enough a child can understand it, however, the practical application of these two words is something that is so difficult that the greatest of all theologians cannot master it.  

Rather, the art of properly dividing God's Law Word and God's Gospel Word is something that is taught by the Holy Spirit in the realm of every day life.  Mastering this art cannot take place in the quiet comfort of a theory or a cookie cutter methodology but happens in the school of experience taught by the Holy Spirit.  

Now, as you hear this you may be thinking, "Can this really be true?"  Yes, it is true. Understanding Law & Gospel is one thing, but applying it is a whole different ball game.  

Martin Luther once said, 
"It is not difficult to say what the contents of Law and Gospel are, nor at what persons they are aiming.  But it is difficult to say whether a particular statement is part of the Law or part of the Gospel, or, in real life, who needs to hear the Law and who needs to hear the Gospel."
May God grant us grace as we learn Law & Gospel in the school of experience. 
