95 Theses For A Modern Generation

This Friday my wife and I are taking off for Florida for a much needed vacation and a 95 Theses Conference Cruise.  For those of you that know me well, you can give me a hard time on this later.

I am thoroughly looking forward to this time to relax and be fed by Biblical and Historical Truths.  While I am gone the blog will be on autopilot; postings will happen automatically.  I look forward to sharing with all of you when I get back, sharing from all the wonderful gifts that will be given from the White Horse Inn Hosts!  

Grace and Peace.

A parting thought:
While the blessings of the Internet include the opportunity to share the proclamation of Christ with readers near and far, and while reading the Word and a good blog posting is a good thing, nothing can replace gathering with a faithful congregation to receive the gifts of Christ in Word and Sacrament. God works faith through His Word, where and when He wills, but no one receives the joy of gathering with fellow believers through a screen. Likewise, the blessing of receiving the Body and Blood of Christ only happens when you gather with other Christians. While I pray that you are blessed through "PM Notes," I even more pray that you are regularly gathering with a faithful pastor and congregation.

Thanks to Pastor David Warner for the previous paragraph.
