Arminianism: Wednesday's Word Of The Week!
I am excited to introduce a new blog series titled, "Wednesday's Word of the Week." Every Wednesday I will highlight a Word and Definition on the Blog from The Lutheran Lexicon. This week's word is "Arminianism." Very interesting stuff! Enjoy.
Arminianism is a theological system that emerged from Calvinism in the 17th century. Jacob Arminius reacted against Calvinism's teaching of the sovereign will of God, especially with regard to 'double predestination.' Arminius instead emphasized the universal grace of God and the freedom of the will.
Arminian teaching is summed up in a document called the Five Points of Arminianism:
- God's knowledge of man's faith or unbelief as the condition for election.
- Universality of God's grace and Christ's redemptive work.
- Human resonsibility and freedom
- The resistibility of divine grace
- The possibility of total apostasy
Arminianism is found in today's decision theology. Church bodies that teach Arminianism include Methodists, Holiness bodies, and most Evangelical Churches. Mennonites and some Baptists are also related to Arminianism. Arminianism is the foundational theology for Revivalism.
Source: The Lutheran Wiktionary
To check out more words and definitions, go to The Lutheran Lexicon.