The Excellency Of The Law (Romans 7:12)

Romans 7:12, "So the law is holy, and the commandment is holy and just and good."

In this text the Apostle Paul extols the excellency of the law.  Instead of being a cause for sinning it is a means of enlightening a person about sin, and convincing one of helplessness to live a perfect life.  It convicts of God's holy judgment on sin, and takes away any hope that one may stand before the law as being holy and righteous in oneself.  These being the fruits of the law, Paul concludes that the law "is holy and just and good."

Though it is impossible for us to fulfill the law, "we know the law is good if anyone uses it lawfully" (1 Timothy 1:8).  It puts to death our pride and drives us to Christ, for it is only then that we come to know the righteousness demanded by the law (Romans 8:4; 10:4).  Then the Holy Spirit can take possession of our lives and lead us in following precepts of the law so that it becomes our holy standard.  

This... is excellent.

Taken from:  Romans (C.O. Rosenius)
