Coming Soon... "Blogging With Carl" (Caution to: Arminians, Wesleyans, Nazarenes, Roman Catholics & Modern Evangelicals)

In the upcoming weeks we will be spending some time hearing from C.O. Rosenius (Carl).  His commentary on Romans has been held as a classic devotional work.  More specifically we are going to be going through a somewhat controversial chapter in the book of Romans.  In other words, if you are an Arminian, Wesleyan, Nazarene, Roman Catholic or a Modern Evangelical you will struggle (not just a little but a lot) with Carl's interpretation of Romans Chapter 7.  Carl does not take Romans 7 as a Pre-Christian experience but aligns himself with Augustine, Luther and Calvin in seeing Romans 7 as the Christian experience; the war within.  

Our "Blogging With Carl" series will begin very soon with Romans 7:7 and go to Romans 8:1.  Fasten you seat belt as this Swedish Lutheran Pastor guides us through what Augustine says is "the highest stage of the Christian experience."
