Understanding The Passive Voice Of The New Testament

In our modern day Western Civilization, the passive voice sounds foreign to our ears.  We are a culture that does things; we are neither comfortable nor familiar with being acted upon.  Even computer word processing programs, such as Microsoft Word, flag the passive voice as improper grammar. 

Unfortunately, our inclination to the active voice does impact our reading of the New Testament.  The result is that we will often interpret New Testament passives as things that we do, verbs that we need to act upon rather than what God is doing to and for us, verbs that God is doing to us.  The difference is huge because it can change the whole meaning of a passage.

Click here to be redirected to a PDF Sheet that is hot off the press!  It explains and expounds on the New Testament's use of the Passive Voice.  If you haven't wrestled with the Passive Voice, this sheet will be a nice introduction.  

Click Here For: Understanding The Passive Voice Of The New Testament

If you want to learn a bit more on this subject, may I suggest the following teaching video on this subject of the Passive Voice?  CLICK HERE to access this introductory video on the Greek Passive Voice.

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