Need Glasses? (Law & Gospel In Laymen's Terms)

Thesis IV of Walther's Law and Gospel in Laymen's Terms:

The Old Testament does not merely contain God's demanding words of Law and the New Testament does not merely contain God's promising words of comfort.  Rather the Old and New Testament contain both.  In the Old Testament one will find words of Law and words of Gospel and the same is true with the New Testament. 

Furthermore, without understanding the differences between God's two words of Law and Gospel (i.e. demanding words and promising words) the Bible will remain a closed book, often seen as full of contradictions.  It won't jive.  However, the moment that one understands the differences between God's demanding and promising words the whole Bible seems to just make sense.  It is like one has put on glasses for their bad eyesight for the very first time. 

God's demanding words tell us what we should and should not do.  God's promising words tell us what God has done for us in the person and work of Jesus.  The Law says 'do' and the Gospel says 'done.'  The Law 'threatens' and the Gospel 'comforts.'  The Law is for 'secure sinners' and the Gospel is for 'contrite sinners.'  The Law 'reveals sin' and the Gospel 'reveals Christ.'  
