Your View Of Humanity Affects Your View Of Christ...

What happens to the person of Christ when we have a 'high' view of mankind?  What happens to the person of Christ when we have a 'low' view of mankind?  

A High View Of Man Leads To A Low View of Christ:
When we fail to clearly see or underestimate the depravity of mankind, the person of Christ suffers.  What kind of savior is needed if mankind is only hindered or struggling?  If mankind is viewed as basically good with some bad habits then Jesus becomes a helper or better yet... a life coach.  Jesus is reduced to our Christian mascot who cheers us on as we attempt to overcome our inefficiencies    

A Low View Of Man Leads To A High View Of Christ
When we assess mankind in light of the scriptures we will come to see that mankind's nature is always much darker than we usually believe it to be.  True, mankind is created in the image of God!  However, the fall of mankind in Genesis 3 marred the image making man not "mostly dead" in sin but "dead-dead" in sin.  A mere life coach or helper are not sufficient with this view of man.  Rather an all-power, all-knowing, sufficient savior is needed to deliver mankind from their bodies of sin and death.
