Coming This Fall: "Walther" The Movie
If you have never read a copy of Walther's book "Properly Distinguishing Law and Gospel," it is a tremendous book! One of the top five that I've ever read. This book was originally 25 Theses that C.F.W. Walther delivered in a series of lectures to students covering the topic of Properly Dividing Law & Gospel in the context of the prevailing ideologies of Rationalism, the Enlightenment and Subjectivism. This is the reason why I am very excited to get a glimpse of the upcoming move on Walther. It is being produced by Concordia Seminary Studios and is set to be released this Fall of 2011. It is a biographical movie of his life. Regardless of your Lutheran Heritage, it is really difficult to not be affected by this man's ministry and understanding of Law and Gospel.
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