What Struggles Do Former Evangelicals Have With The Lutheran Liturgy? The 'Becoming A Liturgical Lutheran' Survey Results Are In!

The journey from American Evangelicalism into Confessional Lutheranism is a long, difficult, and sometimes scary road. The journey is neither something that just happens overnight, nor is it an easy shift. The shift has linguistic, emotional, worldview, and epistemological challenges that accompany it, thus producing a great deal of anxiety, stress, and uncertainty for the individual. 

Not only does one experience this shift ideologically, but one also experiences misunderstandings, hesitations, and struggles with the changes from non-liturgical worship settings to the worship practices of the Lutheran liturgy.  

In order explore this subject more thoroughly I conducted a survey several weeks ago.  (To learn more about the details of the survey, CLICK HERE.)  The purpose of the survey was to identify the common misunderstandings, hesitations, and struggles of American Evangelicals who have or are joining liturgical Lutheran churches. 

Today I am pleased to announce that 125 participants completed the survey and the results are available for your edification.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Matt

To learn more about several of my other studies on the journey of American Evangelicals into Confessional Lutheranism, CLICK HERE.

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