David Platt's Promotional Video For "Follow Me" Analyzed By Rev. Fisk Of Worldview Everlasting

There is a new book by David Platt titled, "Follow Me: A Call To Die, A Call To Live."  David Platt became known as the youngest megachurch pastor in America at the age of 26.  He has several advance degrees from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.[1]

In order to promote his book, he has a promotional video.  What is so striking about the promotional video is that he rightly identifies the moral therapeutic deism and Finneyism that pervades much of American Evangelicalism.  In other words, he addresses the problem correctly.  However, as you will see in Pastor Fisk's video below, Pastor Platt doesn't answer the problem with the right solution.  Rather, he inadvertently creates a new law based theological system.  This is a metaphoric example of trading Egyptian slavery for Babylonian captivity, rather than gifting the Promised Land (i.e., the Gospel).

[1] Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Platt_(pastor) (Accessed March 8th of 2013)

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Anonymous said…
Thank you Pastor Matt for sharing this and Jonathan Fisk for putting this together! I have had issues with David Platt since someone handed me his book "Radical" to read for all the same reasons expressed in this video. Pastor Fisk eloquently put into words my exact thoughts about this teaching. It seems like David Platt is quite popular these days and is turning up everywhere even on sites I follow (i.e. Gospel Coalition) that I usually agree with the theology but then they promote him like he's the next great theologian?! I thought maybe there was something wrong with me that I seemed to be the only one not jumping on the bandwagon. It literally makes me sick because it sounds to me like Platt is trying to take all of the glory away from the Lord and place it on people. Platt's teaching is not the Gospel that I received and what I know in my heart to be true. Unfortunately right now he is getting a lot of attention...
Anonymous said…
Quotes from Platt:
"We are saved from our sin ultimately because Jesus decided to do something two thousand years ago.........But the only way we can seek Christ in our sinfulness is because Christ first sought us."

"When Christ dwells in us He transforms our thoughts, desires, will and the way we relate to the people around us."
Anonymous said…
You're not the only one NOT jumping on the bandwagon...
