And Just Like That, Carolyn Will Be Let Loose From The Grave
Text: John 5:24-30
In the name of Jesus. Amen.
We must hear what Jesus has to say to us. Listen to what Jesus says about Carolyn in our Gospel reading, again,
“The time is coming that after Carolyn is buried that she will hear my voice… and will come forth unto the resurrection.”
You see, the voice of Jesus is very powerful. Jesus’ voice has the authority and muscle to summon Carolyn out of the grave and back to physical life.
Now, we must admit that death has a way of destroying all of us. And that is a terrible thing. Death puts us in the ground. It causes our bodies to be turned to ashes. It puts us six feet under. It stings. It causes grief. It makes us cry. It hurts our souls. It separates us from loved ones. And yet, death does not have the final word for you, me, or Carolyn. Jesus says that after death stings us and buries us, He will have the last word. Indeed, Jesus will speak to us in our dead graves, and our dead ears will listen. We will hear Jesus’ powerful voice. And we will obey the voice of Jesus. Death will let go, and we will come out of our dead graves with a full life.
And so, today, during our grief, listen to the voice of Jesus. Yes, hear right now that death is not the end for our blessed Carolyn, contrary to all appearances.
Now, speaking of death and the voice of Jesus, consider for a moment the story in the Bible about Lazarus. The story about Lazarus is much like Carolyn’s situation right now. Yes, there was a man named Lazarus, and He had died. And so, his loved ones were filled with many tears. After many tears, they wrapped Lazarus in burial strips and placed him in a tomb. Indeed, they said their goodbyes. They cried many tears. The pain of death sunk deeply into their souls. And yet, that one day, Jesus approached the tomb of Lazarus. And Jesus? He did not have a smiling face full of glee. Nope. Jesus has tears running down His face too. But He did not only have tears. He was also very angry. Yes, Jesus was very angry about death and what it had done to His friend, Lazarus. And so, with a tear in His eye and a bit of angry grit in his jaw, Jesus did the same thing that He will do for Carolyn on the last day - He shouted and said,
“Lazarus, come out!”
And just like that, Lazarus came out wrapped from head to toe with a kerchief over His face. And then Jesus told everyone,
“Unwrap him and let him loose.”
am not quite sure if Carolyn was a dancer or not. I know that I am certainly
not. But I do know that on the great last day, Carolyn will most likely dance a
jig. Indeed, she will most likely giggle and dance as she is let loose from the
grave. And you and me, we will likely dance
and giggle as well. You see, elsewhere
in the Bible, the great last day is described as a time when we will be like a
calf leaping out of our stalls. It will be a time when we will be like a
prisoner jumping out of a confined jail cell. Now, please understand how
incredible this is. Even though it will be profound to see stoic Germans
dancing, it is even more profound that we will burst forth from the clutches of
death. The jaws of death will not confine us forever. The grave will not be
able to hold us down. The voice of Jesus is stronger than death. Death will
have to obey the voice of Jesus. Death
and the grave will have to let us loose. Carolyn will hear the voice of Jesus.
And just like that – in the twinkling of an eye – Carolyn will be let loose. She will come forth out of the grave to
newness of life. And she will giggle. She will do a jig. She will bubble with
joy because she will be free from death forever.
And at that great last day, we finally hear that after we have been called forth out of the grave, Carolyn will stand before judgment. Now, just hearing the word ‘judgment’ can be a bit uncomfortable, for who of us likes the idea of being judged? Indeed, the idea of being judged for the things that we have said and done is greatly concerning. But hear this quite clearly - at that great judgment, Carolyn will not have a face of fear or worry. No, she will not have a frown or any wrinkles of concern. Instead, she will have a smile. The reason is - the judge is none other than her Jesus. And Jesus, well… He has already judged Carolyn’s sin on the cross and declared her to be forgiven. And so, at that great last day, for Carolyn, you, me, and the fellow baptized, it is not a day of dread or fear or rejection, for the judge is our Jesus – the friend of sinners. Hear this loud and clear! Jesus will not be able to condemn you, me, and Carolyn because He is our redeemer and the one who forgives all of our sins. How can He judge Carolyn guilty for sins that He Himself has already forgiven?
And so, at that great last day, with Carolyn, and because of the great sacrifice and power of Christ Jesus, we will hear the words,
out of your graves, dear children. Inherit the kingdom that is prepared for
you. Well done, good and faithful friends. It is my joy to give you life, give
you eternity, and give you hope and joy.”
Friends and relatives of Carolyn do not be surprised. But have assurance this day that the dead in Christ will rise again – and as they rise, they rise to victory, life, hope, and assurance. And the same is true for you in Christ Jesus. Yes, let us grieve the death of Carolyn deeply today but let us, even more, cling to the hope of the resurrection where we will see our dear sister yet again – and perhaps dance a jig and giggle with her together.
In the name of Jesus. Amen.