Jesus Is Wrapped Up In Our Sin

"When we segregate Christ from sins and from sinners and set him forth to us only as an example to be imitated, we make Christ not only useless to us but also a judge and a tyrant who is angry because of our sins and who damns sinners.  But just as Christ is wrapped up in our flesh and blood, so we must wrap him and know him to be wrapped up in our sins, our curse, our death and everything evil.  

When the merciful Father saw that we were being oppressed through the Law, that we were being held under a curse, and that we should not be liberated from it by anything, He sent his Son into the world, heaped all the sins of all men upon him and said to him: "Be Peter the denier, Paul the persecutor, blasphemer and assaulter, David the adulterer; the sinner who at the apple in Paradise; the thief on the cross.  In short, be the person of all men, the one who has committed the sins of all men.  And see to it that you pay and make satisfaction for them."

     -Martin Luther
