Attention All Former Evangelicals!

Attention all former Evangelicals.  I am currently enrolled at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis in their doctor of ministry program.  With my schooling I am responsible to conduct and write a Major Applied Research Project (i.e. MAP).   The MAP is a doctoral level project / thesis for Concordia Seminary.
I have most recently settled on a theme of research and writing.  The title of the research project is, "Becoming Lutheran: Exploring the Journey of American Evangelicals Into Confessional Lutheran Thought."   
If you are a former Evangelical who 'has' or 'is' journeying into Lutheran thought, I am in need of research participants.  You can participate in my research by completing a quantitative survey (Note: Quantitative Survey Closed As Of January 7th of 2013).  The survey contains around 26 questions and can be completed in about 10-15 minutes.  If you wish to contact me directly you can do so by CLICKING HERE.  

Also, in connection to this research and writing project I have decided to start a Research Journal Page that will be used as a venue of communication.  This Research Journal Page will publicize my progress, research, and findings.  

Finally, could you be so kind to help get the word out for this research project?  While I am so very grateful that this research project has already been promoted on Steadfast Lutherans, The White Horse Inn, New Reformation Press, and KFUO Radio, I am still in need of research participants.  The study has 302 participants thus far, but I could use more.    

Thank you for your interest and help.  I covet your prayers and support over the next year as I work on this project.
In Christ,
Pastor Matt

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Post Updated: 1-7-2013


Anonymous said…
Are not Lutherans also considered "evangelical"? Are you using the term "evangelical" in a very narrow sense here? Perhaps to refer to so-called non-confessional evangelicals who think they don't adhere to any confessional statements?

Just curious! :)


It is good to hear from you my friend.

Believe it or not, that has been one of the most difficult parts of this study.
At this point in defining American Evangelicalism, I will be thinking of it as the current national-cultural form of American Christianity. I also will be leaning upon the insights of Carl R. Trueman’s book/essay, “The Real Scandal of the Evangelical Mind.” In this small gem, Trueman appeals to David Bebbington, as well as his own insights, to share that Evangelicals lack an official denomination, are focused on the primacy of experience, are very minimal on doctrine, uphold conversionism and embrace activism, that is, the living out of the Gospel. While this is a good starting definition, Trueman goes on to share that Evangelicalism has blurred boundary lines thus making it difficult to clearly define and study it. In other words, Evangelicalism is often better defined by its ethos rather than its theological convictions. Furthermore, I will be relying upon Harold Senkbeil’s description of Evangelicalism as laid forth in his book, Sanctification: Christ in Action.

One more thing. I am still in need of participants, therefore, if you help get the word out, I would appreciate it.
