The Center Of The Family Is Not Discipline, But The Forgiveness Of Sins
Pastor Todd Wilken from Issues, Etc. once said, "The center of the family is not discipline, but the forgiveness of sins." It isn't that we as parents are not to discipline our children nor teach them what is right and what is wrong. Remember that order is good. The Law keeps us from doing stupid stuff to ourselves and others! Rather, Pastor Todd's point is that there is something truly more essential and fundamental for our families than discipline, and that is the Gospel (i.e. forgiveness). You see, simply focusing on discipline without the foundation of forgiveness of sins will only address the outward actions of our children and thus create a family that is pharisaic at best.
In our household it is not uncommon to hear myself, my wife or my children apologizing several dozen times a day. I am constantly confessing my sins to my wife and my children. (This is practiced imperfectly because I don't do this as often as I should or need to) After confessing my sin, I get to hear the wonderful news that I am forgiven. Trust me, there is nothing more profound and touching for me as a father than to have my 5 year old son draw a cross on my forehead and say, "Daddy I forgive you and Jesus forgives you too." Wow! This forgiveness ministers to the heart, heals wounds caused by sin, teaches and binds the whole family together. In the Gospel, the sins of the family are absolved and buried in the wounds of Jesus. This forgiveness joins the family together into the common grace, mercy and forgiveness of God in Christ. It is good to be hidden in Christ.
Below is a video from Pastor John Piper speaking on this very subject of forgiveness being the center of the Christian family. Pastor Erick Sorensen posted this video on Facebook saying, "Parents, you need to watch this short clip...could change everything. Really." He is right. Enjoy the video.
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