Listen Up, This Is Who You Are! (James 1:17-27)
Text: James 1:17-27
Today we begin our four week journey through the Epistle of James. In our text, the Apostle James comes against hypocritical Christians. He is confronting Christians who are hearers of the Word but not doers of the Word. In other words, he is trying to expose that there are individuals that say that they are Christians, believe that they are walking the Christian life, but in all reality they are not Christians.
Today we begin our four week journey through the Epistle of James. In our text, the Apostle James comes against hypocritical Christians. He is confronting Christians who are hearers of the Word but not doers of the Word. In other words, he is trying to expose that there are individuals that say that they are Christians, believe that they are walking the Christian life, but in all reality they are not Christians.
Now, let me caution you right now! As we talk about this subject, your mind may
drift to certain people that you know that might fit this description. I caution you from letting your mind shift
the Words from James away from your heart towards someone else, lest you find
yourself in the same boat as them. You see,
it is easy to hear a sermon and thing think, “Wow, this is good, I hope Johnny and Susie are listening.” When we hear a message and begin thinking
about someone else needing to hear it, we are then not hearing it for
ourselves. We become what we
Now back to our text. James is confronting individuals that say
that they are Christian but are merely hearers of the Word and not doers of the
Word. In other words, individuals that
merely hear the Word and are not doers of the Word range from individuals that
are called CEO Christians (i.e. Christmas and Easter Only
Christians) to… individuals that attend every function of the church, give
tithes, serve on boards and walk the straight and narrow, yet the Word has not
been received by faith. Individuals who
are merely hearers of the Word and not doers of the Word come in all shapes and
sizes. Some are not very involved in the church and others are very faithful
attendees of the church. More
specifically, some of these individuals believe that they are Christians, but deep
down they know that they do not believe what is being taught from the Bible. They roll their eyes at the Bible when it
doesn’t agree with their opinion, dismiss the teachings of the church as too
dogmatic and old fashioned, yet they hide their disagreement and pretend to be
one of the church family. They are
hearers only. There are
also individuals who hear the Word and
agree, for the most part, but it never goes any farther. They listen, perhaps and even enjoy what they
hear, they think it is true, but then 5 minutes after they hear the Word they
forget it, leave it and forsake it. The alarming question for you and me to ponder
right now is, “Are you a hearer of the
Word only and not a doer?”
There is a parable in Matthew’s Gospel
where Jesus talks about a farmer who comes and casts seed over the land. In the first scenario the seed falls on the hard
soil, but then the birds snatch it up.
In the second scenario, the farmer casts the seed and it takes root in
the soil, grows but then it dies because of the thin soil and hot sun. The third scenario the seed is cast, it grows
but then the weeds choke it out. Jesus
says that this is what happens when people hear the Word only and the Word
never takes root. This is exactly what James is referring to and confronting in
our text.
The problem that James is addressing
is that people will hear the Word only.
They hear it but then they are not doing
the Word. But what does James mean when
he says that they are not doers of
the Word? It is easy to jump to the
conclusion that these individuals heard the Gospel but then they somehow failed
to properly perform, that they were not living out the Christian life by doing
Christian things. However, this is not what
James is confronting specifically in our text.
What he is confronting are individuals who merely hear the Word and then
it does not take root. They hear the
Word without faith. In other words, to
be a doer of the Word means that one does what the Word requires and what the
Word says will happen. To be a doer of the Word means that the hearer
will experience repentance of sins, faith in the Gospel and assurance in the
Gospel. The Word is not dead. It is living and active. The Holy Spirit through God’s Word of Law
brings about repentance of sins. The
Holy Spirit through God’s Word of Forgiveness brings about Faith. The Word does something to us. To be a doer of the Word is to be one that
not merely hears the Word and then nothing happens. To be a doer of the Word is to actually hear
the Word and have the Word invade us. To be a doer of the Word is to be one who experiences
conviction of sin and faith in the Gospel.
To be a doer of the Word is to possess real living faith! Keep in mind that scripture says that to do
the will of God is to believe the Gospel.
We also think of the Philippian Jailer who says, “What Must I Do To Be Saved?” And Paul and Silas respond by saying,
“Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be
saved.” You and I are fulfilling the will of God when we believe the
Put another way, here is the main
problem. Can you imagine looking in the
mirror, seeing who you are and then 10 minutes later forgetting who you are,
what you are about, what you do for a living, etc…? Can you imagine taking a good look in the mirror
and then 10 minutes later you forsake your whole history, your whole life story,
your career, you vocation, your memories, etc…
This is crazy. People who forget
who they are after looking in a mirror are those that we would classify as having
a severe case of being scattered brained.
People who forget who they are after looking in the mirror are
individuals who may have amnesia, short term memory loss or are in need of
medical help. It doesn’t make sense. However, this is what so often happens. This is what James is confronting. The people that James confronts as well as
people in our day and age and even you and me will hear the message of God’s Word. We will hear of our sin and God’s
forgiveness towards us. We will hear
about the price that Christ paid on the cross for us, we hear that the blood
stained cross of Christ pays for every single sin that we have committed, that
in Christ the wrath of God has been satisfied and then, 10 minutes later after
worship or after reading the Bible the circumstances of life, our jobs, our
projects, and the things of the world enter in and the message of the Word
simply vanishes, it is lost and forgotten.
The Word becomes disconnected. It
goes in one ear and out the other. This
is what it means to be a hearer of the Word only. This is what James is really concerned about. The readers of James were like a husband who
hears his wife when he is watching football, but nothing of what she says is
absorbed, really heard or understood. The
readers of James were like children who hear mom yelling to come and eat but
then are completely side tracked by beating level 8 on the video game Halo. The readers of James were like wives who were
pondering the words of their husband only to be distracted by a 30% off coupon
to a fashion store. To simply hear the
Word is like someone who looks in the mirror and then forgets what they look
like. There is no lasting memory,
nothing lasting about it. This is James’s
James is in essence
shaking things up calling us to take a good look into the mirror to not only
hear, but to also believe, absorb, know and confess what the Word says about
us… to know who we are.
Now this is the point of
the sermon where I could turn the dialogue one of two ways. What I could do is simply give you a list of
ways to listen better. I could give you
principles, methods and ways in which you could retain the Word of God and not
simply be hearers. However, my friends,
this would be wrong, for I would then be putting the emphasis upon you as a
hearer. Telling a hearer to hear better
without giving them something to hear does not accomplish anything. Rather,
I pose this question to you. What does a
hearer of the Word need? A hearer is one
who listens to the Word of God. To have
faith and to be a doer of the Word, you don’t need to be told how to believe
but you need to hear what you can believe.
Furthermore, to possess real and
living faith in the Word of God, one must hear the Word of God. For one to hear the Word of God, one must
proclaim. Therefore, in the spirit of
this text, I want you to really hear who you are.
Listen, the Word of God
testifies that you and I are created in the image of God. Listen, you are valued by God not because of
some intrinsic worth, but because you were created in the image of God. Listen, you and I also have inherited a
condition, not a medical condition but a condition that is much more severe, a
condition that is rooted deeply in our nature.
Listen, the Word testifies that our nature is fallen, that we are
sinners through and through. While we
may be able to dig down, through our layers and successfully remove sins, like
removing rocks from a field, we cannot remove the thick layer of granite that
is imbedded in our nature, this sinful nature.
Listen, scripture testifies that because of this sinful nature, we turn
inward on ourselves; we look to ourselves and not our neighbor or God. Listen, we attempt to be master and commanders
of our own universe, attempting to be in control of everything we try to be God
ourselves. Listen, God’s Word also says that
if we were left to ourselves that there would be nothing except eternal
damnation in hell and eternal separation from God forever. Listen, we can’t fix our predicament. Now listen up my friends, God has chosen not
to leave you and me in this predicament.
You, who have ears, hear something profound! God was not content to let His creation
be. Listen, from eternity God had a plan
and that plan was to send the God-Man, Jesus Christ to come, live and die for
you. Jesus, took the sin of the world
upon himself, his life was like a ransom payment. Listen, the cross was where Christ absorbed
God’s wrath against our sin. Listen, scripture
also testifies that Jesus resurrected and is seated at the right hand of God
the Father almighty. Listen up, let me
tell you who you are! Scripture says
that because of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus that you and I who
once were spiritual orphans are now adopted as children of God. Listen up, because of Jesus you and I who
were once dead in trespasses and sin have been resurrected to life. Hear the good news that because of Jesus, you
and I who were guilty were justified and declared innocent of sin. May God grant you faith to hear that your
sins are forgiven and you have been given the gift of everlasting life. May God grant you ears to hear that you have
been rescued and salvation is yours. God has done everything necessary for your
salvation, so all that is left for us to do is what? We get to continually receive the Gospel by
faith and in doing so, we are not merely hearers of the Word but doers.