Why Subjective Feelings Are Not A Good Standard To Judge Sin
In previous blog postings I have consistently pointed out
that we do not look within ourselves to find the Gospel, but that we look
outside of ourselves. (i.e. click here
and here) Too often within American Evangelicalism the Gospel has been located
in the subjective person rather than objectively in Christ’s death, burial and
resurrection. My friends, the Gospel is
outside of us.
Just as we look outside of ourselves for assurance in the
Gospel, we also need to look outside of ourselves to discern sin. In other words, our subjective feelings are
often not a good standard to judge sin.
I am reminded of a former parishioner who was constantly
offended. This parishioner’s feelings
were regularly picking up on negativity which was then interpreted as sin that
was occurring against her and in the church.
She frequently pointed out sin, demanded repentance from others and
expected apologies for sin that she identified on the basis of her own spiritual
intuitions. In all fairness to her, she
was correct on discerning sin, but only about 50-60% of the time.
The problem with this parishioner’s reasoning was not that
she confronted sin, but that she identified sin on the basis of her
feelings. When her feelings were
offended she would cry out, “Sin!” The
error with this is that personal feelings are not a good standard to judge
sin. Now, keep in mind that the Law of
God has been inscribed on our hearts according to Paul in his epistle to the
Romans (see 2:15). Therefore, there are
times where this internal moral compass 'does' discerns sin. However, due to the fall of mankind, the Law
inscribed on the heart has been dulled.
This is the reason why God originally published the 10 Commandments on
stone in Exodus. The 10 commandments
were carved into stone to bring out what was originally written on mankind’s
heart. Because the Law on our heart is
dulled and also due to the complexity of
our own sins of insecurity and pride, we most definitely need an objective
standard outside of us to discern sin.
Thus we not only look outside of ourselves for the Gospel but we also
look outside of ourselves to the Word to identity sin and righteousness.
Simply put, feelings are not a good standard to judge sin. If they were the basis of discerning sin, we
would fall hostage to moral relativism where everybody’s individual feelings
would constitute what is right and wrong.
Furthermore, just because feelings are offended, that doesn’t necessarily
indicate that sin has happened. Keep in
mind that we are many times sinned against and there are other times where
God’s righteous Law painfully exposes our own sin. We often experience the same feelings when we
are sinned against as well as when our sinful nature is confronted by a loving
rebuke. To automatically attribute
negative feelings to the category of “I’ve been wronged” is very naïve and
places us on the moral high ground rather than placing the scriptures on the
moral high ground.
Practically speaking what does this look like?
- Positive feelings don't always confirm something as good and just.
- Negative feelings don't always confirm something as bad and immoral.
- If you are offended ask yourself:
We can be thankful that the Gospel is not something that is found within, that we need to conjure up. Thankfully the Gospel is outside of us. Furthermore, thank God that He has given us His Word and 10 simple Words known as the 10 commandments to distinguish and understand sin. Praise God that we are not left to subjective navel-gazing to discern our ethics. God's Word speaks both Law and Gospel!
- "On the basis of the Word, and not my personal feelings, did the person sin against me?"
- "Am I offended because I have been sinned against or could I possibly be offended because my personal sin may have been confronted/exposed?"
Pictures Taken From: http://thisweconfess.wordpress.com/tag/feelings/