Freedom From The World's Manipulation
We love to control our neighbors, and we do so cleverly. To achieve our desired set outcome - whatever it may be - we apply devious tactics. It is the way of the world.
For example:
SHAME: A person can apply shame to disgrace another individual. Once disgraced, a consciousness of guilt emerges. And so, the only way to alleviate this guilt for the individual is to think, say, or do what is required by the shame. Thus, shame can be used to control.
FEAR: In using fear, a person can place danger before another individual. Once made aware of the danger, anxiety emerges. And so, the only way to alleviate the anxiety is for the individual to think, say, or do what is required by the fear. Thus, fear can be used to control.
ANGER: A person can apply anger to squeeze another individual. Once squeezed, a sense of tension emerges. And so, the only way to alleviate the tension is for the individual to think, say, or do what is required by the anger. Thus, anger can be used to control.
SORROW: Sorrow can also be used for control. A person can exude sorrow to create languishing emotions upon another individual. Once drawn into the anguishing emotions, the individual is heartbroken. And so, the only way to alleviate the broken heart is for the individual to think, say, or do what is required by the sorrow.
PEER PRESSURE: Finally, a person can apply peer pressure to enforce conformity upon another individual. Once the need for conformity is applied, a demand for obedience emerges. And so, the only way to alleviate the demand for obedience is for the individual to think, say, or do what is required by the peer pressure. Thus, peer pressure can be used to control.
To the point, these devious tactics are diametrically opposed to the Fruits of the Spirt - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. By the power of the Holy Spirit and through the Word of Law & Gospel (and the blessed Sacraments), the Lord creates holy impulses in Christians - not to manipulate and control our neighbor - but to bless and serve our neighbors. The world knows nothing of these holy impulses; it only seeks power and control, not contrition, faith, humility, servanthood, and blessings.
So, beware of confusing the Fruits of the Spirit with the world's devious methods of power and control. Christ has set you free - not unto shame, fear, anger, sorrow, and peer pressure - but unto love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
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