Fear, Shell Games, And Faith
Tragically portions of journalism seem to be dead. It appears that much of what we hear and read is nothing more than chatter meant to distract us from a shell game.
When examining the chatter more closely, though, it becomes self-evident that one of the most prominent narratives is fear. Again, fear is not exclusively being peddled, but it is clearly one of the more dominant themes saturating talk.
The narrative of fear, though, is problematic for the Christian. God's Holy Writ mentions fear over 353 times and speaks to the Christians to 'not fear' in 85 verses. That is to say, fear is the opposite of faith - they are diametrically opposed.
Living by faith in the Son of God is a risky business, though - especially with a powerful narrative of fear. The reason being, the narrative of fear attacks faith as being blind, reckless, insensitive, and careless. However, this could not be further from the truth. Living by faith means to live soberly in the day - awake, aware, compassionate, steadfast, unmoving, and assured.
Keep in mind that faith is 'never' in one's abilities or intellect. Furthermore, faith is never blind or recklessly-unhinged because faith clings to and receives from Christ. Alas! - when the narrative of fear accuses faith of being blind, reckless, insensitive, and careless, it is accusing Christ of the same.
And so, faith in Christ chases away fear. In Christ, there is nothing to fear, not even death itself. And so, the narrative of fear has no place in the 'Christian narrative' except when fear is combined with love and trust of God.
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