Keswick Theology Interview On Issues, Etc.

Have you heard of the Keswick Movement? No? I bet you have. You can tell that Keswick theology has impacted you and others when you hear a Christian 'testimony' like this: 
I was saved when I was nine years old, and I yielded to Christ when I was nineteen. 
Did you catch it? I was 'saved' when I was nine (step 1). I 'yielded' to Christ when I was nineteen (step 2). Jesus saved them, but then they surrendered, emptied, let go and let God when they were nineteen. Do you hear the two-tiered progression? Typically these testimonies end with how the person is apparently living in a completely different Christian dimension; higher and more victorious than they were before. Yes, indeed they were 'saved' but they also 'surrendered.'

To learn more about this subject check out the Issues, Etc. interview below:

To listen to more interviews of Pr. Richard, CLICK HERE

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