The Quantitative Survey Results Are In For The "Becoming Lutheran Research Project"
The quantitative survey results are in for the "Becoming Lutheran Major Applied Research Project."
I am thankful to report that the survey had a total of 339 responses.
From the 340 responses:
- 6 participants were disqualified due to their answer on a screen question.
- 14 participant surveys were discarded due to the surveys being very incomplete (i.e., only 15-20% complete).
- 13 participant surveys were removed from the final calculations for not meeting the criteria of the study (i.e. from a non-North American continent, not having an evangelical background, etc...)
From the 340 responses:
- 6 participants were disqualified due to their answer on a screen question.
- 14 participant surveys were discarded due to the surveys being very incomplete (i.e., only 15-20% complete).
- 13 participant surveys were removed from the final calculations for not meeting the criteria of the study (i.e. from a non-North American continent, not having an evangelical background, etc...)
Thus, the survey contains feedback from 307 participants. Thanks to everyone who participated!
Assuming a population of 100,000 individuals who have journeyed from American Evangelicalism, 307 participant responses gives this survey the following statistical confidence:
- A Confidence Level of 95%
- A Confidence Interval of 5.59%
To learn more on what these confidence numbers mean, CLICK HERE.
You can examine the comprehensive results for the quantitative survey at the following link:
A special thank you to the following people and organizations for helping me, as well as in some cases letting me use your media venues to obtain research participants:
- The White Horse Inn
- Steadfast Lutherans
- KFUO Radio
- Paul McCain at Cyberbrethren
- Chris Rosebrough from Fighting for the Faith
- Paula Coyle from Purpose Drivel
- Bryan Wolfmueller from Table Talk Radio
- Peter Slayton and Jonathan Fisk from Worldview Everlasting
- And the many Facebook Friends!
Finally, over the next couple of months I will be analyzing the survey results for patterns and insights. After the results have been analyzed, I will be developing a more qualitative survey that will consist of interviewing a focus group of individuals in order to glean more specific information.
Thank you for your support and I covet your continual prayers.
Pastor Matt Richard
To learn more about the study, please check out the Research Journal by CLICKING HERE.