Feelings Are The Servants Of The Christian Life, Not The Masters

Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.
(John 20:29)

There are some who become troubled when they feel so little of God’s peace and God’s presence. 

As a whole, there are many who are in bondage to their feelings.  Their feelings dominate them. They determine everything.  This is especially true of young Christians.  For this reason the outcome is evident.  They live the life of the slave instead the life of the child.

Please note:  The feelings are the servants of the Christian life, not the masters.  They are not the ones who have the final word.  God has not given them the authority to decide whether you are a Christian or not.  Jesus only has that authority.

To live as a Christian is not a certain way of feeling, but a certain way of living.  Faith and assurance build on an entirely different foundation than the feelings.  If you have not cast your anchor outside of yourself and the shifting emotions of you heart, you have not found anchorage at all.

The foundation on which Christians build their faith is Jesus and what He did for us when He died in our place.  That ground remains unshaken whether we feel it or not. 

Quiet Moments on the Way Home – H.E. Wisloff – July 31  
