So What's The Big Deal About The King James Version of the Bible? Responding to KJV Onlyism.

Several years ago I was visiting a small Lutheran Bible College in the Midwest.  During my visit I encountered a young Bible College student that challenged the Bible Translation that I was using.  At the time I believe I was reading from the New American Standard version.  Since then I have switched over to the English Standard Version for the Old Testament and I typically use the 4th Edition of the United Bible Society's Greek New Testament for the New Testament scriptures.  Well, back to the story.  This Bible College student, who was obviously influenced by Fundamentalism, was contesting that my New American Standard translation was inferior to his King James Version (i.e. KJV).  What gives?  

Well, maybe you have come across these KJV Only individuals who insist that your translation of the Bible is corrupt and downright heretical.  Don't worry, you are not alone, there is a rather substantial KJV Onlyism movement in American Fundamentalism.  In fact, there is a fairly new video done by Sam Gipp below that states the case for adhering to the KJV translation only.  Check it out and read on!  

In response to the Sam Gipp and the KJV only video above, James White has produced a 5-part video response that is packed with great information.  See the videos below. As you watch James White's videos I hope that you enjoy learning more about this topic and also learn about the rich history of Bible translating as well as the textual background of your Bible translation.  


terriergal said…
White's apologetic stuff is always top notch.
jeff said…
I have Mr. White's book--"The Kings James Only Controversy". It is most excellent, filled with my own highlights and marginal notes. I would recommend it without qualification.
Anonymous said…
Really? James white, a scholar an expert on the KJV? Does anyone find it odd that he makes TONS of money from his consultation works on 3 different revision committees? I'm just saying--look at the motivations...the KJV DID produce the greatest revivals and missions the world has EVER KNOWN. The rest, well they seem to stick around for 3-5 years, get a new revision, usually after getting a new copyright and changing the text so they can sell it again, as a 'new revision' NO new revision of any sort has had the power, impact, and changed culture and the world (for the better) like the KJV. I'm just throwing this out may say those are superficial arguments, but how would you refute them? ....The evidence is clear, God has indeed blessed the KJV....