Examining Luther's 1518 Heidelberg Disputation With Rev. Tom Baker
One of the most profound lectures that I have ever heard came from Rev. Tom Baker, speaking at a conference in Jamestown, ND. These six lectures have been recorded with permission and shared here for your enjoyment and edification. They speak on the differences between what is called a 'Theology of Glory" versus a "Theology of the Cross." In other words, these two different paradigms are two different ways of running theology. They are the difference between Cain & Abel, Jesus & the Pharisees, Paul & the Judaizers, Luther & the 16th Century Catholic Church, etc.
I promise that once you listen to these lectures, you will never think the same way about theology again.
So, fasten your seatbelt and get ready for theological BootCamp, as Rev. Baker distinguishes the Theology of Glory from the Theology of the Cross, and teaches you to be a Theologian of the Cross.