The Cry Of The Blind Beggar Is The Cry Of Christ's Church
Text: Luke 18:31-43
the name of Jesus: Amen.
can be comfortable. What is even more
comfortable though is being blind and not knowing that you are actually blind. This ignorance is bliss. In other words, mankind is most comfortable
living in darkness where sin is concealed and where the realities of life are
cloaked in blackness. It is easier that
way, or so we think.
mankind believes that it is a whole lot easier living with blindness and
darkness, than living with eyesight and light.
That is to say, when we are blind, we cannot see, and when we cannot see,
we are then able to turn a blind eye to things that bother us. Things such as: global cyber threats,
currency wars with Russia and China, ISIS, North Korea nukes, Iranian nukes,
worldwide organized crime, and worldwide infectious diseases. Certainly, it is comfortable to be blind; it
is comfortable to be blind to inconvenient things such as the 58 million
abortions conducted in the United States of America or to be blind to the
breakdown of the family or to be blind to the attacks upon the institution of
marriage or to be blind to the United States’ 18 trillion dollar debt. To tape your eyes shut or to gouge them out
is painful, but not as painful as admitting the threats, calamities, and
distresses around us.
is also much more comfortable to turn a blind eye towards ourselves: our
selfishness, our stupidity, our self-absorption, and our sinfulness. Indeed, we do not like looking into the
mirror, we do not want to accept the reality of our sinfulness, and we cannot
face our shadow; therefore, we believe that blindness is a better alternative
and that darkness is our friend. We make
blindness our reality.
the disturbing nightly news reports of disaster off, shut that Bible that
convicts me, silence Christian preachers, and tell me that all is well and that
no disaster shall come upon me. Tell me
that I am special, give me a trophy, a hug, and pull the covers over my head!” That
is the cry of a blind person living in darkness; that is the cry of a spiritually blind person who neither sees nor
perceives reality and neither sees nor perceives the Kingdom of God.
Christians like to think that we are immune to this, that we are not
spiritually blind. We like to think that
we have a firm understanding on spiritual matters – on reality. However, we must not forget that we have a
sinful nature – the Old Adam in us – and this sinful nature is as blind as he
ever was. This sinful nature of ours
actually tries to convince us that we can see with 20/20 vision, but of course
we cannot. We are by nature, blinder
than a bat.
that said, because we Christians carry this blind sinful nature with us, until
the day we die, we sing the blind man’s cry for mercy. Every week in the Divine Service, we sing the
blind man’s cry for mercy.
me to clarify.
friends, we sing – and at times speak – the words cried out by the blind
beggarly man to Jesus. We call it the
Kyrie. As we sing and speak the Kyrie,
we sing and speak it as the first prayer of the Divine Service. You know the words that I speak of, Lord have
mercy; Christ have mercy; Lord have mercy – the Kyrie. These words come directly from the blind
beggarly man. What this means is that the
cry of the blind man is the cry of the Christian church. That is to say, each and every week that we
gather here and sing the Kyrie, we are actually crying with the blind man for mercy.
Christians recognize our spiritual blindness – that we are like the blind
beggarly man – and that we desire to be relieved of our blindness. And unlike the world that walks around in
darkness – thinking that they see clearly – we Christians walk in the light of
Christ, knowing that we cannot see by our own reason or by our own strength. And like the blind man who was rebuked by
those around him, we too may be scrutinized or ridiculed or mocked, because our
desire to see clearly exposes the reality that mankind is inherently blind and
walking in darkness.
beggarly Christian church cries out loud in the midst of a world gone mad,
“Lord have mercy,” and the world yells back, “Shut up you weak blind beggarly fools.” These rebukes though, of the government and
unbelievers, will not be able to silence our cry for mercy, because the church
knows that we are poor miserable sinners in thought, word, and deed. We know that the world is perishing and we
know that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. We know that we need the Son of David, the
Messiah, the one who makes all things right.
The church knows that Jesus hears our cry despite the loud rebukes of
the world calling the church to silence.
The church knows that Jesus stands still long enough to hear our cries
for mercy and then answers this cry with His good and gracious will. The church knows that the cry of mercy is not
bothersome to Jesus.
have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy.”
we cry the blind beggar’s prayer, the Lord indeed answers our cry. We hear the Lord’s Word for us, “Recover your sight; your faith has
made you well! Take and eat; take and
drink. You are baptized. You are forgiven.”
Christ healed the blind man, because He loved him and He grants you and me eyes
to see because He loves you and me as well.
Truly, Christ opened our eyes of faith when we were baptized out of
darkness and into light. Furthermore, He
opens our eyes of faith again and again and again by His spoken Word. And with our eyes opened we no longer sit by
the side of the road, like the beggar, but are taken to Mt. Calvary with Jesus.
today, with eyes opened by the Lord’s grace and sight to see, we go with Jesus into
the Season of Lent; we go with Jesus to Mt Calvary. We are taken with Jesus to see that
everything that was written about Him by the prophets will be
accomplished. We are taken with Jesus to
see how He will be delivered over to the Gentile and will be mocked and
shamefully treated and spit upon. We are
taken with Jesus to see the flogging, the crucifixion, and the empty tomb.
Baptized Saints, we stand at the edge of the Season of Lent. From this point forward we go to Jerusalem,
there is no turning back. We go to
Jerusalem following Jesus like the once blind beggar. We go to Jerusalem to witness and see what true
love is. We go to see that love is not a
superficial erotic fuzzy feeling, but that the love of the Lord acts for
mankind – for you and for me. We go to
see that this love keeps no record of wrong; it does what our love cannot do,
it reconciles mankind to God making you and me beloved children –
Baptized Saints, this Lent and Easter Season, see again Jesus Christ’s
determined to march to the cross – for you.
again Jesus Christ bloodied, bruised, flogged, and crucified – for you.
again Jesus Christ bearing and forgiving sin – for you.
again Jesus Christ defeating the devil – for you.
again Jesus Christ descending to hell to proclaim victory over the evil foe –
for you.
again Jesus Christ risen from the jaws of death – for you.
again and again and again what true love is – for you.
your sight; your faith has made you well!
Behold the Christ, whose love no hatred, no suffering, no mockery, no
scorn could ever destroy. Behold the
Christ, the light no darkness could overcome.
the name of Jesus: Amen.
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