Sermons, Interviews, And Podcasts Are Now On iTunes!
Over that last year I have been asked by numerous people if the sermons from Zion Lutheran Church, as well as my various podcasts, could be put on iTunes. As a result of the requests, I have had the endeavor on my to-do-list for sometime and just haven't had that time to create an iTunes account.
With all of that said, this past week I finally made the time to create an iTunes account.
Keep in mind that the iTunes account is basically the same content as the Podbean Podcast Page, but the iTunes account allows you to access various MP3's in another format and with greater ease for Apple products (i.e., iPhones, iPods, iPads, etc...).
In summary, you can now access all the various sermons, interviews, podcasts, etc... at the following URL Addresses:
-(NEW) iTunes:
Grace and peace to you all,
-Pastor Matt Richard
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