Scandal At The Jordan River
Text: Mark 1:4-11
Grace and Peace to you from God our Father and the Lord
Jesus Christ. Amen.
in the wilderness by the Jordan River we find John the Baptist eating
grasshoppers and wild honey, while blasting away at sinners:
“…the ax is lying at the
root of the trees; every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut
down and thrown into the fire.”[1]
in the wilderness by the Jordan River we hear the noises of remorse, shame,
guilt, and regret as confessions of sin burst forth:
“I, a poor miserable sinner
have sinned in thought, word, and deed, by what I have done and by what I have
left undone!”
in the wilderness in the Jordan River we see dirty water, water that had washed
over some 500,000 sinners in a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of
this is the atmosphere out by the Jordan River: John the Baptist blasting away
at sinners; confessions of sin, acknowledgements of failure, and concessions of
corruption abounding; water dripping from the heads of adulterers, thieves,
liars, prostitutes, swindlers,
blasphemers, murderers, legalists, rebels, and ragamuffins—people just like you
and me—who were just baptized into a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness
of sins. Things
out by the Jordan River were surely no sanitized walk in the park; it was
this context and setting do not sound uncomfortable and inhospitable enough to
you and me, things become a bit more uneasy.
Yes, this environment turns rather scandalous; there is a mighty
disruption when Jesus comes along and acts as if He were a sinner, just like
the rest of us. Otherwise stated, the
message that John the Baptist was lambasting, the declaration of guilt among
the crowds, and the waters polluted by the body oils, dirt, and sins of the
people, certainly did not seem like something that Jesus would fit into, let alone
be subjected to. That is to say, is Jesus
not different from the people at the Jordan; is He not different from you and
me? I mean, it is not like Jesus needed
to hear the message of repentance from John, for He had nothing to repent
of. Furthermore, Jesus did not need to
confess sins, for He was not only sinless in His deed, but sinless in His
thoughts, words, and nature. No sin, no need to confess. Finally, Jesus did not need to be washed, for
He had no filth that needed to be cleansed.
Thus, it does not make sense for Jesus to show up at the Jordan and then
act like He is like everyone else! He
does not need to be there. In fact, Jesus
should not have even been permitted to enter into this setting, but rather John
and everyone else should have come to Jesus instead. That is to say, it should
not have been acceptable for Jesus to come close to or even associate with the
message, people, and water of John the Baptist, for He is not a sinner. He is not like them. Yet, contrary to what makes sense and what
seems wise and sensible, Jesus just goes off to the Jordan and become one of
us. That’s right, Jesus takes on all
that has gone wrong with us—all of our sins.[3] Jesus just walks right into the midst of the
people; He goes right into the water of the Jordan River and is baptized by
John the Baptist in a sinner’s baptism.
John the Baptist tried to prevent Him, but Christ would not listen. It seemed as if He had another agenda on His
is the way that it is with the Son of God; He descended into the sin filled
world by His birth in a manger. He
plunged further still by going to the Jordan River and by being baptized by
John the Baptist in a sinner’s baptism.
Yes, a sinner’s baptism was indeed Christ’s agenda! In fact, “Martin Luther believed that it was
there at the Jordan that Jesus actually took upon himself the sin of mankind
and carried it from that day forward to the garden of Gethsemane and to the
cross, where the depth of his descent horrifies us.”[4] That’s right, Christ did not wait until His
crucifixion to take sin upon Himself, but rather the sewer of our sins were
cast into the waters of Jesus’ baptism, where they were soaked up by Him.[5]
put it another way, the message that was being blasted by John, the confession
of sins that filled the air, and the dirty water, were all that Christ walked
into, embraced, and owned as if it were His own. This is the way that it had to be. When Jesus was baptized in the midst of
sinners and in the water of dirty sinners, it was to show that He was the one
who would bear the sins of the world!
for a moment.
friends, do you hear what happened? Listen
again! Jesus went to the Jordan River to
where sinners were. He went to the place
where people were talking about, confessing, and acknowledging their sin, failures,
troubles, guilt, and shame. He went to
the place where unrighteousness was at.
righteousness and sin met. Righteousness
stepped into and under sin. Sin touched
Jesus went to the Jordan River to begin His triumphant, powerful, salvific ministry,
for He came not for the so-called righteous, but He came for sinners. Jesus, the friend of sinners, clothed Himself
in sin—yours and mine too.
is most certainly true that where sin was, is where Jesus was. But why did He draw near to sin? He came to join us in our sin so that He
could bear it, and fulfill all righteousness.
He came and comes to sin and sinners so that He could and can make
righteousness ours. “In exchange for our
sewer of sin, He gives us the fountain of life.”[6] This means that, “where His righteousness is,
is where we are. His righteousness is as
surely ours as our sins are surely His. . . . We are righteous with His
righteousness, and in that God has His delight.”[7]
it was in the Jordan River, it is no different for us today. The Lord Jesus Christ comes in the
twenty-first-century to where sinners gather.
He comes to where sins, failures, troubles, guilt, and shame are
confessed. He comes to churches like
ours—hospitals for sinners—in the Word and Sacraments in order that we might
believe, know, and understand that there is no distance or separation between
us and Him. He comes to the place of
sinners, because the Gospel is for sinners only.
does this mean? It means that “the delight
and pleasure of God are in His beloved Son, and that is where we are too. What is ours is His; what is His is ours. So God delights in us too. If our hearts would take this in, Martin
Luther said, ‘they would burst for joy into a hundred thousand pieces.’ In a world that is given over to sin, death,
and the devil, there is one point where the delight of God dwells. ‘This is My beloved Son with whom I am well
pleased.’ That is where we are in [cohesion]
with Jesus. With Jesus there is God’s
delight. God, Christ, you—all together
like one thing.”[8]
Saints, think about this for a moment, “Do you live where Christ is, where God
has His delight? Yes, [you do] for God has put His words on you too. With the water His name was put on you at
your Baptism. You are not just a
doubtful, ambiguous, meaningless, hopeless bunch of atoms bouncing around. You have the word of God put on you. At your Baptism, surely, and at Jesus’
baptism too. For there Jesus is in [unity]
with us and we with Him. Because he is
the beloved Son, we with Him are beloved sons and daughters, delighted in and
beloved of God. So you can’t just drag
along dreary, fearful, guilt-ridden, nobody-loves-me, me-against-the-rest [of
the world], me-against-the-system, me-separate, all alone.”[9] No, none of this is possible for you are
connected and joined to Son of God in your baptisms.
through the Baptism in the Jordan River, Jesus sanctified (that is made holy)
and instituted all waters to be a blessed flood, a lavish washing away of
sin. Yes, in your baptism you have been
made a member of the Son, and an heir to all of the treasurers of heaven.[10]
today we confess boldly to sin, death, and the devil that we are baptized into
Christ. Sin, you cannot disturb our soul
any longer, for we are baptized into Christ!
Death you cannot end our gladness, for we are baptized into Christ! Satan,
your might has come unraveled, for we are baptized into Christ!
are God’s own child, Blessed Saints, for you are baptized into Christ. Nothing can change that reality and nothing
can separate you from your Lord that unites with you.[11]
the peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in
Christ Jesus. Amen.
[1] Matthew 3:10.
[2] It has been
estimated that some 200,000 to 500,000 people were baptized by John the
Baptist, for Jewish Historian Josephus mentions that the Baptist caused a great
[3] Norman Nagel, Selected Sermons of Norman Nagel (St.
Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House, 2004), 43.
[4] Patrick
Thurmer, “The Greatest Sinner Who Ever Lived”
(9 January 2015).
[5] Growing In
Christ: Junior High Teacher Guide (St. Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House,
Winter 2014-2015), 43.
[6] Ibid.
[7] Norman Nagel, Selected Sermons of Norman Nagel, 43.
[8] Ibid.
[9] Ibid.
[10] Lutheran Service Book (St. Louis, MO: Concordia
Publishing House, 2006), 268-271.
[11]Paraphrases of
the Hymn, “God’s Own Child, I Gladly Say
It.” in page 594 of the Lutheran
Service Book.'
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