"Becoming Lutheran Research Project" Follow Up Survey

Luther's Tower, Concordia Seminary St. Louis
The "Becoming Lutheran Research Project" has been completed for my schooling at Concordia Seminary, thanks to those of you who participated in the research.  

Because of all your work and contributions to this study, I will have the opportunity to present the findings of this research at a couple of conferences this winter (CLICK HERE and HERE).  Furthermore, I have been in conversation with Concordia Publishing House about the possibility of adapting this study to a book.  

With that said, I have several questions that I am hoping to glean a little more clarity on, as I move forward with things.  For those of you who participated in one of the first three survey, would you be so gracious to take four minutes to answer three questions?  

You can access the follow up survey at the following link:

Thank you again for your help and input.

Rev. Matthew Richard

To learn more about the research project you can check out the research journal by CLICKING HERE.

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