Thank You For All The Donations

This article was originally posted at Steadfast Lutherans.

Thank you to all of you who have donated so far to the colloquy fundraiser campaign that began March 22nd on Brothers of John the Steadfast (i.e., BJS).  The proceeds from this fundraiser will help me in my colloquy transition, a transition that will allow me to join the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.  We are almost to our goal of getting the entire $5,000 matched by a generous BJS reader.  Right now, with the $4,846 that has been donated, I have received $9,692 in funds to be applied to my summer colloquy tuition, colloquy moving expenses, and needed books.  I am humbled by your generosity and truly grateful for the warm reception that I have received in this transition into the LCMS.
In looking forward, I just enrolled at Concordia Seminary St. Louis for three required colloquy classes.  During the month of June I will be taking a LCMS history class, a class on the Lutheran Confessions, and a class on the Lutheran liturgy.  I am eagerly anticipating these classes knowing that they will better prepare me for future pastoral service.  Besides my required colloquy classes, I also hope to complete my remaining doctoral classes in St. Louis this summer.  Thus, it will prove to be a challenging academic season.
Upon completion of my classes in St. Louis, I will be moving to North Dakota for the remainder of summer to spend time writing my Major Applied Research Project, doing some potential farming with a close friend, and awaiting a call into the LCMS.
Finally, I might add that I am so very appreciative of the BJS editors, fellow authors, readers, and the Confessional Lutheran community that BJS provides.  It is truly a privilege to be among you all as we confess Christ crucified for the forgiveness of our sins.
Sub Cruce,
Pastor Matt Richard

You can read more about Pastor Richard’s journey into Confessional Lutheranism by CLICKING HERE (Part 1) and by CLICKING HERE (Part 2).  These links will direct you to two articles that were written for Steadfast Lutherans giving an overview of his journey into Confessional Lutherans.  Pending a successful colloquy transition, he will have to write a third part in this series sometime this summer!


I was just informed that the fundraising campaign reached its goal! $5,051 in donations came in over the last 3-4 weeks. With matching funds this means that I received $10,051 for my summer colloquy schooling expenses!