Where Is The Accent Mark?
When one travels the world it is interesting to hear how various cultures accent the English language. Some cultures will enunciate the first syllable of a word whereas other cultures will enunciate the second or third syllable. For example take the word ‘locate.’ In America we stress the first syllable of this word, “LO-cate.” In Great Britain they stress the second syllable of this word, “lo-CATE.[1]” Both of these pronunciations would be considered correct and don’t forfeit the original meaning of the word.
Like words, the same can be said of Christian Doctrine and the Church’s emphasis of it. Take for instance the doctrine of sin, it has multiple components or one could say ‘syllables.’ Sin can be seen in the Bible in four different ways: 1) Sin as a condition of the heart, 2) Sin as actions that we do, 3) Sin as actions that we don’t do, 4) Sin that we corporately are a part of. All four views are completely Biblical. The only question that arises is which of these four ways does the Bible place its enunciation on? If the doctrine of sin can be understood as a four syllable word, where would the Bible place its accent or stress mark upon? Which one is the primary or fundamental view of sin?
Today, we see much doctrinal dissimilarity in the church. While some of these variations are fundamentally different there are other times that the diversity is over simple accentuation. Generally speaking, much of popular evangelicalism can be found placing accent marks on certain syllables of biblical doctrine, whereas, churches rooted in the reformation can be found placing different accent marks on different syllables of the very same doctrine. For example:
Understanding of Sin:
Popular Evangelicalism: Accentuates sin as a series of actions (i.e. actual sins)
Churches of the Reformation: Accentuates sin as a condition of the heart (i.e. original sin)
Understanding of Repentance:
Popular Evangelicalism: Accentuates repentance as a change of actions
Churches of the Reformation: Accentuates repentance as contrition of the heart
Primary Use of the Law:
Popular Evangelicalism: Accentuates the 3rd use of the law (i.e. instructionally leads us)
Churches of the Reformation: Accentuates the 2nd use of the law (i.e. mirrors to us our sin)
Understanding of Faith:
Popular Evangelicalism: Accentuates faith as ‘active actions’
Churches of the Reformation: Accentuates faith as ‘receptively receiving’
Primary Doctrine of the Church:
Popular Evangelicalism: Accentuates Sanctification (i.e. God’s work within me)
Churches of the Reformation: Accentuates Justification (i.e. God’s work outside of me)
With the church’s diverse accentuation, there are several thoughts that need to be noted. If the church places all of its attention solely upon one aspect of a doctrinal topic and excludes the other aspects, the doctrinal topic would cease to carry its full effect. At the same time if one incorrectly emphasizes a less significant aspect of a doctrinal topic at the expense of the primary focus of a doctrinal topic, this too can also promote theological confusion.
The healthy burden for the church is that it is called to accentuate the portions of a doctrinal topic as the Word accentuates while at the same time not forgetting to pronounce the other syllables (i.e. teach the other components).
As students of the Word may we develop a dialect which is of the Word! May the accentuation of the Word influence our dialect, all for the glory of God!