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When Is It Good To Be A Liberal Church?

In the name of Jesus. Amen. In a peaceful valley, there lived a gentle farmer who carried with him ten little neat seeds, each a treasure of promise. Instead of scattering them carelessly, the farmer chose a special plot of lush, dark soil—a bed that had been tenderly prepared with water, sunlight, and love. With deliberate care, the farmer planted each seed at just the right depth in this rich black soil. He nurtured the earth, ensuring it was ready to embrace every seed with warmth and nourishment. Soon, as the sun rose and the rains fell, the seeds stirred to life. Their tender shoots emerged gracefully, stretching eagerly toward the light. Time passed, and the seeds grew into robust trees, their branches strong and welcoming. Each tree bore an abundance of fruit—sweet, nourishing, and plentiful. There was no struggle or strife in their growth; every plant flourished with ease and delight. The trees became a blessing to the valley, their bountiful harvest feeding the community and d...

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